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Welcome to our resource library. It contains a growing collection of information and downloads to support you.
Click on the icons below to navigate you to the correct information.
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What to expect after vaccinations:: info in multiple languages from UK Gov
Routine vaccinations and your baby: translations in multiple languages from UK Gov
Preventing Diabetes; info in multiple languages from NHS Somerset
Immigration Advice
The UK has strict immigration laws which can be confusing.
Find out more on the Government Website.
Or use the links below for more specific information:
The new points-based immigration system: for EU citizens
Apply to the EU Settlement Scheme
Setting up Home
Navigating the process of setting up your home comes with lots of steps follow this link to see the bills you should be paying.
For more specific information follow these links:
Looking for ways to save money? Follow the below links to find out how:
Energy advice in multiple languages
We are working with Wis£rMoney, who offer a community support service on money matters.
Domestic Abuse
If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic abuse there’s lots of Somerset Charities who are able to support you:
Read the Survivors Handbook:
Women’s Aid: The Survivor’s Handbook in multiple languages
Hate Crime
SARI provides free and confidential support for anyone who is a victim of hate crime across Avon and Somerset.
Whether that’s based on race, faith, disability, sexual orientation, transgender identity, age, or sex.
Translated information from SARI
Mental Health
If you or someone you know needs mental health support there’s lots of organisations ready to support you:
Feeding your Family
There’s lots of support available to help you to feed your family.
Local Foodbanks
We know that anyone can reach a crisis point and we are here to help if this happens. We offer a Foodbank Voucher scheme, if you require support email [email protected]
The Local Pantry Network
A Local Pantry is a community-run project that buys or collects surplus food to prevent it going to waste, and then makes it available to their members for a weekly fee, normally £3.50 to £5.
As the food is ‘surplus’, due to a seasonal glut or change in branding for example, the Local Pantry does not know what it will be offered, so members will have a ‘mystery parcel’ each week.
The number of items varies and usually, but not always, includes fresh, chilled and ambient (tinned or dried) foods. A typical week could include fruit and vegetables, eggs, and dairy or non-dairy drinks, pasta, cereals, and tinned foods. There are sometimes ready meals and sweet treats.
The value of the food also varies but always exceeds the membership fee, sometimes considerably.
For more information go to the local pantry website.
Driving in the UK
There’s lots of things to learn about driving in the UK.
Follow the links to find out more:
Rights to work
Are you unsure you’re being treated fairly at work?
Workers’ Rights leaflets are available in 21 languages:
Albanian, Bengali, Bulgarian, Chinese Czech, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Hungarian, Kurdish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Nepali, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Ukrainian, Urdu and Welsh.
Please use the following link to access the leaflets.
Workers’ Rights Leaflets – Translations – Languages – GLAA
The below link leads to resources pages which contain a number of useful resources created by the GLAA and other external agencies. The resources help to explore the issues of employment, labour exploitation/modern slavery.
Resources- Videos – Leaflets – Labour exploitation – GLAA
Ukraine resources
The charity Hope for Justice has compiled a list of
important information for displaced people from Ukraine. This is a live document
and can be accessed via the link below: